Subject: About Software Configuration . This file was written about the software configuration of the mkecr5xx.sys. 1. Registory Configuration. The following value is set in the registory . * ErrorControl Value : REG_DWORD, 1 * Group Value : REG_SZ, "SCSI miniport" * Start Value : REG_DWORD, 0 * Type Value : REG_SZ, 1 2. HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA Configuration * HwInitializationDataSize : sizeof(HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA) * HwFindAdapter : MkeCr5xxFindAdapter; * HwInitialize : MkeCr5xxInitialize; * HwStartIo : MkeCr5xxStartIo; * HwResetBus : MkeCr5xxResetBus ; * HwInterrupt : NULL * MapBuffers : TRUE * NeedPhysicalAddresses : FALSE * DeviceExtensionSize : 76 * SpecificLuExtensionSize : 72 * AdapterInterfaceType : Isa * NumberOfAccessRanges : 1 * SrbExtensionSize : 12 3. PORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION Configuration * MaximumTransferLength : 64 * 1024 * NumberOfAccessRanges : 1 * AccessRanges[0].RangeStart : ScsiPortConvertUlongToPhysicalAddress( "The recognized address" ) * AccessRanges[0].RangeLength : 4 * AccessRanges[0].RangeInMemory : FALSE * NumberOfBuses : 1 * InitiatorBusId[0] : Set to 7 if it's not initialized. Not set if it's initialized. * InterruptMode : Latched * BusInterruptLevel : 0 * BusInterruptVector : 0